2. Auto Carriers

  1. This column shows all the carriers for the agency. Clicking on a name will bring up a window with information on the carrier.
  2. This column has a button for the carrier options for each carrier (provided that they have carrier options). Saving the settings on one of these windows will save them as a default for that carrier's carrier options.
  3. This column shows which carriers are set to automatically rate when entering the Rate screen. These settings are location-specific.
  4. These text boxes show the producer code, username, and password (respectively) for each carrier. These credentials are for the selected location only.
  5. Click the Save button to save any changes to any of the options mentioned above.
  6. When clicked, the "Select All" and "Select None" buttons will turn on or off (respectively) all of the "Always Rate" checkboxes for this location.
  7. This button shows a window with all the carriers available in the state; clicking on a carrier in that window shows additional information about the carrier.