1. Profile

  1. Shows your profile picture. To add or change your profile picture, click on the "Edit Picture" option here.
  2. All the user information is listed here. All of these fields can be changed, except for the "Username" field.
  3. These are toggle options for the user. "Hide History" hides the History section on the Management pages when active. "Email new Messages?" sends email notifications whenever you get a message.
  4. This option allows you to change your password. This option will log the user out, prompting them to log in again with the new password.
  5. This section has both the email and Acord form signatures. The email signature can be added or changed by manually editing the text in the box. Use the "Upload a new Signature" option to add or change the user's Acord form signature. You can also copy the web address in that field and paste it into a new page/tab to download it. Note that only picture files (JPEG, Bitmap, GIF; not PDF) will work for Acord form signatures.
  6. Click the "Accept" button to save any changes done here. Click the "Cancel" button to remove any changes and restore the information previously saved.