4. Help

  1. Frequently Asked Questions: opens up a new page/tab to our "Frequently Asked Questions" page.
  2. Live Chat: opens up the Live Chat window to chat with one of out Tech Support representatives.
  3. Remote Support: opens up the remote support page (support.accuauto.net)
  4. Company List: opens up a part of our homepage with the list of all available carriers for your state.
  5. Documents: provides a list of available reference documents.
    • Rate Color Codes: opens up a small window describing the colors for rating carriers in the Rate screen.
  6. Downloads: provides a list of downloads available.
  7. Softech MVR: opens a new page for the Softech MVR account login.
  8. Suggestions: opens up a window where users can send in suggestions for improvements on AccuAuto.
  9. About: brings up a window with information about AccuAuto and how to contact us.