2. The Top Menu

 Home allows the agent to start a new quote, open an existing quote, save what they are working on, or save a copy of what they are working on.
 Utility allows an agency administrator to access the Admin panel and allows other agents to agency files, the calculator, letters, Pro-Rata Wheel, Reports, Rolodex, and Templates.
  Account allows the agent to view their user profile, enter in agent-level credentials, and log out of the AccuAgency system.
   Help gives the agents a quick link to the FAQ page, Live Chat, Remote Support, a Company List, Rate Color Codes, Optional Downloads, a link to Softech MVR login page, and a link to send suggestions to AccuAgency.
   Logout allows the agent to log out of the AccuAgency system.
   Here are two quick links to the AccuAgency Facebook and Twitter pages.