
Carrier Downloads is a function of the premium tier of our AccuAgency management system. IVANS, Progressive Downloader, and other systems such as TeamUp can be used to import AL3 files from the carrier to our system for processing. Note:To ensure speedy processing we advise that all lines, carriers, and carrier NAIC's be setup prior to the initial download.

Download Report - This section determines the what and where of the report. 

  • Filter 
    • Unprocessed - will show you all the pending (unprocessed) files waiting to be matched and processed. 
    • Date Range - This will show you all transactions, processed or not, within a given date range. This can be useful for re-importing files that were previously processed and had been processed incorrectly or for the wrong client/policy. 
  • Location
    • This allows the user to select pending downloads from a list of their agencies. 
  • Import Files/ Import IVANS
    • Import Files will allow the user to manually upload AL3 files to be processed, while Import IVANS will trigger the management system to pull the agencies inbox from IVANS. 
    • Note: When uploading large files or pulling from IVANS, the system will process in the background, meaning that if all your files don't immediately appear, click the search button every so often to refresh the results window. The import process is complete when no more transactions appear in results. 


  • The initial download from your carriers is usually a large amount of files to process, as files are processed and the correct data gets entered this process will speed up. 
    • Downloads uses a combination of Client name, policy number, and NAIC to match incoming data to existing clients/policies and carrier names. In the example on the left, you can see the green Matched in the status column. 
    • If the system cannot match the incoming data to a client or policy it will show in red Not Matched.
  • Clicking on the  Edit button, the Edit Transaction window will open. 
    • Set the Carrier and Producer if not already selected, These are required for processing. 
    • Client Matching/Policy Matching
      • Using the menu at the top right of these sections you can search for an existing client/policy, if the client cannot be found, set to New Client. This will disable policy matching and create a new policy entry for the new client. 
  • When completed, click the blue Save button at the bottom. 
  • When the Client/Policy is successfully matched the status will show in green, click the check box next to the Actions menu and the green Process button will highlight. 
  • Clicking the Process button will process all selected and matched policies.

For any Downloads questions or help with IVANS setup contact our sales department at 800-229-2009 option 3 or