User Profile Settings

The User Profile settings, accessed by clicking on your username in the upper right corner. This menu allows users to change their password, assigned location (if an administrator), edit their name, email address, and phone number. 

The Credentials, Vendor Settings, and MVR Settings options are only available if an administrator has turned on Agent Level Credentials in the Agency Admin panel.

Agent Level Credentials allows users to set their own unique credentials if they wish to do so. If your agents all use the same producer code but have unique usernames and passwords, this function would allow them to enter in their username and password in their user profile and the system would pull the Producer code from the agency level to rate and bridge. For more information about this feature or any other questions contact our support staff Here.

A new feature added in AccuAgency 5 is tabbed browsing, users familiar with Chrome or later versions of IE will be familiar with this browser feature. Clicking on links or opening a client or a policy will, by default, open a new tab with the name of the client in the tab. 

This feature is enabled by default but can be turned off by un-checking the Open in New Tab option in their User Profile menu. 

Turning this feature off will cause all navigation to occur within a single tab, meaning that opening a client from the dashboard will take you from the Dashboard to the client page in the same tab.